Did you know that oral health affects your pets overall physical health? Dental disease is not only painful but can also lead to heart, liver, and kidney problems. At the Montville Animal Hospital our doctors examine your pets teeth and gums during every check up appointment. We also offer more extensive dental services should the need arise.
Dental Procedures
We provide extensive dental care in a safe and gentle manner!
We perform dental cleanings almost the same way a human dentist would treat your teeth. After an oral exam is performed, dental x-rays are taken, harmful plaque and bacteria are removed, and teeth are polished. We probe the teeth to measure any pockets under the gums. If teeth are very unhealthy, we remove them. Because there is often pain and infection involved with diseased teeth we have heard from pet parents that their pets seem happier and more energetic after having a dental cleaning done with us!
We understand that anesthesia can seem scary but it is necessary for the safety of your pet. In this way we can protect their airway from breathing in bacteria we clean from their teeth as well as making sure they do not inhale water. It is also less stressful for them to be asleep and enables us to be more thorough. Our staff stays with your pet every step of the way from the moment they set foot in the door to when they wake up and leave.
For information on “anesthesia free” dental cleanings and why we do not recommend them please see the following link from the Board of American Veterinary Dentists:
Here are some links to help you care for your pets teeth at home!